When planning for retirement, you’ll want to ask:

  • How Much?
  • How Long?
  • How Safe?
  • What Cost?

How much retirement income do you think you will need each and every year for the rest of your life? Include activities, housing, healthcare, income taxes, and inflation.

How long will you need retirement income to last? 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, longer? Will you have enough saved to last as long as you do?

How safe is your retirement income? What would you do if you lost 20%, 30%, or 40%? If you have a money manager or investment advisor, you should ask them these questions.

What will it cost you to produce your retirement income? There is no cost to your Social Security Income or Pension Income net of any fees or charges. Mutual fund managers, hedge fund managers, real estate trust managers, and investment advisors charge you fees that can easily reduce retirement income by 25% or more.

To prepare for a comfortable, financially secure retirement with attractive alternatives to Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds, schedule an appointment today.

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